Petra Rau
Tel: 07763235234
Topic: Ayurveda
Date: 13 August
Location: Langley Pavilion, Langley Road, Slough SL3 8BS
Time: 7pm - 9pm
The Langley, Windsor and Slough FHT local support group is launching their first meeting on 13th August 2024. Come and join us and make this group what you want and need it to be. We will start with a local speaker, Anjli from Ananta Ayurveda, who will share their knowledge about Ayurveda, meditation and yoga with us
Ayurveda, what is it? Where does it originate? What are doshas? Find out what your dosha is and how you can help your body to find balance and feel better. How can this knowledge help us adapt treatments to the of our clients and how do yoga and meditation play an important part? Let's find out.
It is an exciting event and we hope to welcome many local therapists. We have never had local group in this area, and this is our opportunity to get together and create a hub for us to exchange knowledge, expertise, have treatment swaps, mindfulness, wellness walks, whatever other ideas we can come up with and have a bit of fun too. Come and join us.
Entry: £5 Members / £8 Non-members / £3 Students