
Tracey Hale
Tel: 07426785706


We are a local group covering the Chester area 
This is a new group and recently been set up we are due to start holding our first meeting at my home address 

Meetings and events

Topic: Crystal Therapy with Sandra Hope-Maskell

Date: 15 May

Location: 56 Pipers Lane, Hoole, Chester Ch2 3lS

Time: 7 - 9pm

I founded Hope College of Crystal Healing in 2009 but I have been working closely with crystals for over 20 years. I'm a qualified teacher (PGCE) and Quality Assurance assessor (TAQA) and I currently hold the post of Disciplinary Chair for ACHO (The Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations). I am now the sole teacher at HCCH, and most of my courses and treatments are held in my small training studio in North Wales.

Hope College of Crystal Healing

Additional Information

Entry: £5 Members / £7 Non-members